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   I would like to invite you all to Hiroshima for the District Fall Conference, being held in November 2016. At the Conference, you will get motivated to inspire someone back home, you will achieve what you have been aspiring for, and you will let your dreams flourish. I welcome you all to Hiroshima, the Dream City, where all your dreams will bloom into one magnificent flower.
   The three-day Conference begins with a dinner workshop on Friday followed by four workshops on Saturday morning and the banner march in the afternoon. Mr. Nobuhiro Yamamoto of Mazda Motor Company, Product Ambassador of Roadster which won The World Car of the Year this year will then deliver a keynote speech. He will passionately talk about the realization of our dreams. The main feature is the Table Topics Contest District Finals for both Japanese and English. Winners from In-house club contests will compete for the District Championship Award. The special guest for the Conference is our dream guest, Toastmaster Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, the 2014 World Champion of Public Speaking. In his keynote speech and workshops, he will talk about the discovery and development of one’s potential and realization of dreams, both were the basis of his champion speech in Kuala Lumpur, ”I See Something in You.” At the Conference, you will meet, listen to and get inspired firsthand by this phenomenal speaker Toastmaster Hettiarachchi.
   We are now working passionately on the preparation of Hiroshima Dreams for Toastmasters from across Japan and the world to become an unforgettable experience. “Dream, Flower, Hiroshima and Peace” are the ideas underlying the Conference, and to embody them, we plan two special programs. One includes displays in the lounge and the other is a meeting concerning peace titled Peace Realization Supported by Communication. This meeting for non-district council members is to be held on the afternoon of November 13. The session includes a lecture The meaning of President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima by Professor Kazumi Mizumoto and Professor Yasuhiro Inoue of Hiroshima City University and a Tour of the A-bomb Museum.
   Our motto is “Let’s make the Conference an enjoyable event to prepare, and enjoyable to participate in.”
We enthusiastically welcome you all to Hiroshima in November.

Best regards,
Seiichiro Matsuda, Chair, District Fall Conference     “Hiroshima Dreams”


 大会3日間は、金曜夜のディナーワークショップにはじまり、土曜午前中のワークショップ、午後のバナーマーチ、これに続く基調講演では、マツダ(株)で2016年世界カーオブザイヤー受賞ロードスターの商品アンバサダー山本さんが、夢の実現について熱く語ります。大会の目玉は、ディストリクト即興スピーチ決勝大会です。英語、日本語部門でそれぞれインハウスコンテストから勝ち抜いた8人のディビジョン優勝者が、ディストリクトチャンピオンの座を賭けて競います。大会の特別ゲストは、まさに夢のゲスト、2014年のパブリックスピーキング世界チャンピオンのダナンジャヤさんです。基調講演(英語)と2つのワークショップで、チャンピオンスピーチ ”I See Something in You”のベースとなっている「潜在能力の発見と開発、夢の実現」について語っていただきます。優れたたスピーカーに直接触れ、啓発されるまたとない機会を見逃さないでください。土曜日午前中は、前述のダナンジャヤさんのほかディストリクト76が誇る代表的スピーカー、東さん、田村さんそして台湾の前ディストリクトディレクターのキャロラインさんによる、コミュニケーション、リーダシップについてのワークショップがあります。

秋季大会委員長 松田誠一郎 「夢の花咲く広島大会」

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